Monday, January 28, 2008

Prayer and a Cabinet

Tonight, Adam was praying before bed. Usually, he likes to give us a laundry list of things to pray for (like Busy Bees and Lovable Lions...his classes at preschool....and the Thomas table that's in one of his classes). Well, tonight, I urged him to talk to Jesus himself and thank him for those things. Anyway, he said he wanted to be a Superhero to keep people Brooke in Schoolhouse friends. Brooke is a girl that he seems to have taken a fancy to at the Thanksgiving program. He was sitting next to her while we were eating refreshments afterwards. For awhile after that, we would have to stand at the end of the hall when we were leaving preschool waiting for Brooke and her mom to walk by...where Adam would proceed to run off or make noises :-). I think it's cute!

Also, just so I have a picture in this post...I'm going to include one of Andrew at his gramma's house. There is a cabinet in the kitchen that he loves to get into. Adam has always loved it since it has plastic pitchers and a wooden serving tray. He'd like to serve us "pizza". Well, gramma has since learned to empty almost everything out, and Andrew likes to get into the cabinet, say "ByeBye" and close himself in. It's really cute, so I'm glad I got a picture.

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