Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Superheroes...

Adam has been obsessed with fact, when it was career day at school a couple of months ago, he wanted to wear his Batman costume, because he was going to be a superhero when he grew up (I talked him into wearing his fireman costume)! Anyway, last Sunday before church, we were playing in Adam's bedroom, and Andrew wanted me to put the Superman cape on the back of his pajamas. I did, which of course caused Adam to want to put his Batman costume on. So, here are a couple of pictures of the two of them. There's some really strong morning sun in his room, so the picture of Adam is not that great, but I love how you can see Andrew looking at him in the background.

Then later in the afternoon, Andrew put on his favorite hat the way he loves to wear it - backwards. It's so cute, though, because he puts it on and then adjusts it down, so hair is always sticking out through the front. I'm including a picture of that also.

And finally...Andrew is a climbing machine. I've got a couple of pictures that show some of the climbing...he loves to get on the end table in the living room, the kitchen table, and now he's using the drawers to try to climb up and get into the utensil drawer. I guess it won't be long before I find him on the kitchen counter :-). Oh, and I did find him on the smaller counter where my computer is this morning. I accidentally left my "computer chair" set up while I was getting ready. That's the chair you see in it's storage place behind the trash in one of the pictures. I just can't keep this guy down on the floor!! Oh, and unrelated...but Andrew also decided this morning that sippy cups are no longer for him...he has to drink out of a big boy cup.

Oh, and I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago...about 9 inches that I plan on donating to Locks for Love...I just have to actually get to the postoffice to mail it...maybe when I mail my Mother's Day gift to my mom :-). Anyway...I, of course, don't have any pictures...but I'm sure Dan will take a picture of me on Mother's Day, so maybe then. It's still about shoulder length.

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