Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!'s been awhile since I last posted. I'm sure I've completely lost my readership of 3 by now!

Anyway, I hope all the fathers had a nice day yesterday! We tried to make it a good one for Dan (and our dads). Normally, we visit Dan's dad for Father's Day, but I was scheduled to work in the toddler class at church (and I didn't think anyone would want to switch with me on Father's Day), so we stayed in town. However, Andrew came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease on Thurs, so Dan was unable to go to church on Sunday. He stayed home with both the boys (we didn't want Adam to potentially pass the virus on too) while I went to Sunday School and worked during the service. We gave him his presents (the second season of "I Love Lucy" on DVD) before church and apparently they were very busy while I was gone. On the way home from church, I surprised Dan and picked him up a pizza. After lunch, it was nap time for daddy (and the boys) and then the boys jumped (I mean, played) on daddy. It was cute, because I'm always talking about how all the boys do is fight, and Adam came running into the kitchen yesterday and said, "Look mommy, we're playing together!". Of course, it was a dad's expense!! :-). Then we topped off the day with some ice cream and the boys went to bed while daddy watched golf and basketball.

Thank you Dan for being the best daddy our boys could ever hope for!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm still here! Glad to see your new post but I knew you were off camping for part of the time thanks to Sandra's blog. I love the "I Love Lucy" shows as well so you all have good taste! Take care!