Saturday, November 8, 2008


We took the boys out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood on Halloween night. Adam dressed up as Batman (same costume as last year), and Andrew was Superman. He actually had his choice of a cowboy costume that Adam wore when he was 2 or a Tigger costume that Adam wore when he was 3. However, he wanted to be a superhero like his big brother, and no one would have been able to talk him into either of the 2 other costumes. So, Andrew wore Adam's Superman pajama top with the cape on the back. I have a feeling that it was probably a good thing I didn't make it out to the store for clearanced costumes for next year, since Andrew is very particular about what he wears :-).

We actually walked around with our neighbor and her son, who is Adam's age. Adam and his friend ran from house to house, so I walked with him, and Andrew walked a little more slowly with Dan. Everyone thought he was so cute and gave him extra candy. One lady even gave him a little pumpkin pail for him to hold. He wouldn't let it go all night.

They've been enjoying their candy since then, but I think it will soon start to disappear a little more quickly into the trash can :-). They also usually tire of it fairly quickly (well...Adam always did...but I don't know about Andrew...he seems to be a junk food junkie if I'd let him!).

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