Monday, May 26, 2008

Birthday Cakes...

Here's a preview of Andrew and Tammy's birthday cakes. For Adam's 2nd birthday, I made him an Elmo cake...but it didn't seem appropriate for Andrew, since he doesn't really watch Sesame Street. However, he LOVES Boz. So, about a month ago, I looked online for some ideas to make a Boz cake. I found a person who had made a cake by free-handing the frosting on the top of the cake. I am by no means artistic, so I knew I couldn't do that, but I remembered that my mom showed my mom's club how to do a buttercream transfer last fall. So, I printed off a coloring book picture of Boz and created it. I thought it turned out really cute...and Andrew loved it. He kept saying, "Boz!". Don't look too close at the picture, though, since I didn't do a great job of keeping the chocolate crumbs out of the frosting :-).

Now, we kind of decided last minute to celebrate Tammy's birthday also, so Julie hadn't really thought about what she was going to do. She asked Tammy on Saturday what kind of cake she wanted, and she said she wanted a turtle cake (since she's going to get a turtle sandbox on her birthday). So, I looked online and found an idea to use a Pyrex bowl for the body and cupcakes for the head and feet. It turned out really cute...I couldn't believe we pulled it off! I freehanded the outline for the turtle's shell using the example on the internet, and two of Julie's daughters did the rest of the makes it a lot easier to do cakes when you have daughters to help!

I'm also going to include a picure of Andrew "blowing" out his candles. More pictures later!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great job Corrie! I'm very impressed.