Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blue Angels

On Saturday, we went to an air show nearby with Dan's parents featuring the Blue Angels. It was so much fun! Dan was the only one of the group of us that had ever been to an air show, so it was an adventure. Since my sister, Sandra, is an old pro at attending air shows (her husband, my BIL is a pilot), she advised me to buy ear plugs for the boys. Boy, was she right. The F16 and the Blue Angels were really loud.

When we first arrived (we were a bit late and parking was a nightmare), a small plane was doing some acrobatics. For some reason, Adam was really scared of that little plane (and it wasn't loud). He announced that he wanted to go back to the car and go home. Dan had to hold him and try to console him. You wouldn't think that he would grasp the concept that the plane could go down (it made me a bit nervous with its stunts). Then the F16 was next and he really hated that. There was some time between the F16 and the Blue Angels, so we bought lunch and then I ran Adam over to one of the tents that was selling little toy airplanes. They had various models as well as some Blue Angel planes. He insisted on getting a B52 bomber, even though I tried to convince him to get the Blue Angel. He even cried when I tried to put it back. Needless to say, "Andrew" got a plane also, since I didn't think we could see the Blue Angels and not have a Blue Angel plane. Anyway, he was busy playing with his planes during the Blue Angels (and we got his earplugs in), so they didn't bother him. Andrew was a trooper...he mostly played with gramma or a water bottle. The Blue Angels were awesome. At one point the formation of 4 planes were only 18 inches apart from each other...that's the first picture of the planes. It was really amazing some of the maneuvers that they did. It was a great show...we're really glad we went.

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