Monday, July 23, 2007

Lake Pictures

Like I said in my earlier post, we went camping last week with a group of people from Dan's family's church. One of the days, while the men went golfing, the women took all the kids to the beach. I braved the sand and brought my telephoto lens for my camera and got some great pictures of the kids.

Last year when we went to the beach while camping, Adam would only go into the water with Dan. This year, Dan wasn't there and I had to watch Andrew also (and take pictures), so I didn't really go out with him. However, he seemed to overcome some of his fear of the water and went out on his own. In fact, I was starting to worry he'd go out too far on his own :-). The kids all loved the water (even thought it was waaaaay too cold for the adults!), and they loved playing in the sand.

Unfortunately, we forgot to bring sand toys, but they managed to make do with their hands. Of course, Adam also made friends (and enemies...when he tried to knock down their creations) with other kids who were working on sand castles. There was one older boy who had a really elaborate fort going. He was really nice to Adam and showed him what he was doing and gave Adam "jobs" to "help" him.

Andrew also loved the beach. He loved walking around and looking at everything, although he didn't seem to want to get into the water (probably too cold for him!). He had to sample the taste of the sand (since he has to put everything in his mouth), and he tried to chase a seagull. He was also obsessed with trying to get the Cool Ranch Doritos in our little tent (I brought a little sun tent for him to nap in). We brought them for lunch and he kept wanting to open them. I gave him one, and he started choking on it, so of course, I didn't give him anymore. He is very persistent...he kept trying to get the bag and open it. Finally, I had to throw the Doritos out of the tent for someone to hide :-).

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