Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Mess!!!

I've been at a bit of a loss as to what to feed Andrew for lunch these days. At dinner, he eats what we eat, but he's not a big fan (yet!) of peanut butter sandwiches, which seem to be our lunch staple. So, I bought some Gerber Graduates Entrees that you just heat up in the microwave. Today was the first day that I tried giving him one. I picked a pasta first, since he loves my spaghett. It seemed a bit soupy in the sauce, so I thought I would give him a spoon also, thinking he'd have no clue what to do. Apparently...he has been watching us, since he just started feeding himself. Here's the result...I think a little did make it into his mouth :-). I know Mike's going to love these pictures, so you have to show them to him, Sandra...although I'm sure he's lightened up a bit with Aaron :-).

Oh, and Adam had to have his picture taken also :-). You can see one of his new fake smiles that are so lovely... I'm sure I'll have lots more pictures of it.

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