Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Fun!

We've been busy getting ready for Christmas (like everyone else, I'm sure), but we've had some time to have some fun. In early December, I bought a gingerbread house kit for Adam and I to work on (I can't pretend that I made it, since the box is in the background of one of the pictures!). He had a lot of fun helping me "build" it, and then putting all the candy on. He was really gung ho about eating it as soon as we were finished, but I don't think he's a big fan of gingerbread (probably especially bought rock hard gingerbread), since most of it is still sitting on the counter.

Also, I thought I should add a picture of Andrew so that everyone doesn't think that we only do things with Adam :-). He loves to put hats fact, hat is one of the few words that he he is contantly coming up to me with one of Adam or his hats on. I've been meaning to take more pictures of that, but I did at least catch him putting the Santa hat on. And, just to prove that Adam is not the only one enjoying the Christmas goodies...I'm adding a picture of Andrew after eating a piece of my you think he enjoyed it??

I have a couple more things that I want to add to the blog soon, but in case I don't get around to it before Christmas, I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Too funny! We will be working on ours tomorrow.
That family picture if great - no red eye!!
Can I add your blog to my blog list?