Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Program

This morning Adam had a lot of fun at preschool. First, they got to wear a crown that they made earlier in the week and pretend that they were wise men. They followed a big star that the teacher was carrying and walked throughout the church looking for baby Jesus. They had to stop and water their camels :-), and then the teachers turned out the lights and played Silent Night as they looked for Jesus at night. Finally, they found him, and each child was able to say something to baby Jesus. Adam told me that he said, "Happy Birthday and Bye!". They they went back to class and drew what they had seen. Adam drew a star. It was really cute.

Then, the parents got to come early and we watched the classes do a mini-Christmas program. They sang some songs and then acted out the Christmas story during a song. Adam was an angel. Here are some pictures that I took. I was far away, and the room was a litte dark, so the pictures are a little grainy. I put circles around Adam so you can find him :-). He is sitting next to his teacher in one of the pictures, and both of his teachers are standing next to the group of angels. Oh, and he's supposed to be moving his hand in the picture of the class singing (the last picture)...they had hand motions to go with the song. I just realized that no one else seems to be doing them, so Adam looks like he's misbehaving, but he's actually doing the hand motions :-).

Tomorrow, I plan on taking the boys to see Santa Claus...we'll see what kind of pictures we'll get from that. Adam has already talked to Santa, since he insisted on stopping when we were shopping at the mall with gramma and grampa C. He climbed right up on Santa's lap and told him he wanted Chick Hicks from the Cars movie (but he says it really weird "KChix", so I'm sure Santa had no idea of what he wanted). But they talked for a couple of minutes. I didn't have them take pictures, because Adam wasn't dressed for it, and Andrew was asleep in the stroller at that time (the main reason). So, we'll make an attempt tomorrow (if we can get in...and if Andrew will tolerate sitting on his lap).

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